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Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.

- Mother Teresa of Avila

Friday, August 27, 2010

What a Week!

Well, we've gotten over a few more hurdles towards completing our dossier and homestudy, but not without a few challenges from Satan....

It took me three visits to the post office to finally get my passport application accepted, and each time was with two crying, fighting, runny-nosed toddlers in tow. In addition to those trips, my husband and I both got our physicals done, our fingerprinting taken care of, and all of our background checks submitted for each county we've lived in in the past five years........pheeew.

Each day, I have been challenged this week with sickness, a back injury that just won't quit, and taking on two extra precious ones to help another Mom get some time to herself. It's been a long week, my back is still killing me, and my throbbing throat and running nose are more tests that I feel the enemy has put in my way this week. All of the above has made me question my resolve and my ability to take on and care for another child while still showing love and patience to all my children.

As I was leaving my physical with two tired kiddos and heading to what I hoped was my last passport trip, I continued to remind myself that I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.

I didn't do it with the most grace, the most patience, or being the best testimony of Christ's love, but we continue to forge ahead and work another day to bring our child home regardless of the tests and doubts Satan puts in our heads. Oh Lord, please forgive me for my weaknesses and my missteps this week, and help me to become strengthened and renewed so I can do better according to your purpose.

As I sit here typing and my babies are napping (and I'm considering getting a nap in myself), I was graciously given a second wind and the energy and reassurance I needed when I opened this link that was waiting in my email. I hope it does the same for you. God bless this road, Lord!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Let the Paperchase Begin!

We are officially in the paperchase! It's somewhat surreal. Before we came to the decision to adopt, I spent many hours reading blogs of those that have traveled this road before us. I remember reading the funny and often harrying posts about the paperchase that must be experienced before bringing home your child.

Well, here we are. Strange really.

Our contracts are signed, and we have finished most our course work given to us by AGCI. We've received and worked through the papers given to us by our homestudy agency, we've scheduled the doctor appointments, the background checks, and the fingerprinting appointments.

Just as I was able to take a short breath in, our dossier packet, along with our last workbook came in the mail today!

Unfortunately, for me and those who live in my house, I am one of those 'Type A' personalities. Now that we've made the decision to adopt, there is this underlying sense of urgency to get everything done as quickly as possible!

I have a tendency to get lost in the 'to-do's' and the appointments, the deadlines, and the paperwork, but as I was reading yet another blog this evening, I found a second wind. This is an excerpt from the Strobel family's first trip to meet their daughter just a few days ago.

"We met our daughter, Argene (pronounced Are gen eee with a hard g) yesterday and right after her Special Mother placed her in our arms she looked right up at me and smiled. Our tears and emotions flowed as we held her and realized that God brought us through nearly 2.5years of paperwork, waiting and now traveling half way around the world to connect us to one sweet little one who needs us and needs a family. It is truly a miracle and a God ordained plan. Finding the courage and the faith to step outside ourselves and often our comfort zone could never have happened without faith, letting go of our own needs and trusting that God would work it all out. I wish I could bottle and sell the feeling of such faith so all of us could take a dose when needed. It felt so surreal to finally feel her, smell her and interact with her knowing that although we did not give birth to her, she is without a doubt our daughter. She is already etched in our hearts and needs us , but we feel strongly like it is our family that needs her. We need her to come home and complete our family."

That says it all. This is a journey of faith to a little one that will complete our family.

Sweet dreams sweet baby. May God protect you.
