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Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.

- Mother Teresa of Avila

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Being Patient In the Wait...

Well, we had our final homestudy interview on Tuesday, August 31st, and up to that point, I was running around trying to make sure that we had all of our paperwork done. The only thing left on the 'to-do' list for our homestudy is my TB test (dr's office was out!).

So, thinking we were ahead of the game and just moving right along towards completing everything, we started our final homestudy interview.

The interview went smoothly and we had yet another opportunity to talk about how we made our decision to adopt, our marriage, our children, and our philosophies on raising healthy, happy children.

I was feeling so good when we were finishing our interview thinking, 'ok, we're going to be finishing our homestudy in about a month - woohoo!'. Then, the next words came out of our social worker's mouth....

'I should have your homestudy write-up ready to go in about 6 weeks.'


I've been running all over town getting paperwork done as fast as possible to find out that we are going to be waiting for another 6 weeks?!?

This clearly came as a shock, and for the first time since we began the process, I haven't been working on our adoption. It's very strange. I feel like I should be doing something!

I have to ask myself 'What is the lesson here?' The answer: the simple reality that no matter how much control you think you have, you really don't have much.

Probably best that understand this truth now being that I it's the theme when adopting.

We'd love your prayers as we are doing our best at being patient in the wait, and knowing that God has our child already chosen for us. There's no rushing destiny.

By the way, be sure to check out these great pendant necklaces to help support an adoption of two boys from the Congo. and go to 'Shop for Adoption'.

In Him,
The Rhamys