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Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.

- Mother Teresa of Avila

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Moving right along...

Well, if you notice the dates on posts, it's been awhile since our last update. After we made our initial decision to adopt in February, I came under a serious attack from the 'roaring lion'. Oh, I was such an easy target for it, too. I live in a white world and was completely consumed with the fear that bringing a black child from Ethiopia into my part of the world was simply 'unfair'.

But, oh, how He loves us, and oh, how He moves us.
I was consistently reminded by my brothers and sisters in Christ that fear is the total and complete opposite of faith! And, though, I knew this, the overwhelming fear kept my feet stuck in the mud.

So what did I do? What else could I do but go back to the One who moved my heart to consider adoption (and specifically from Ethiopia)?

He is so patient and miraculous. He worked slowly and consistently on my heart until, one night at a dinner with friends, God opened the conversation to adoption (because, I was divinely sitting next to a woman that had adopted an african american daughter). About mid-conversation, I was starting to realize that I wasn't in the place I was before. I still voiced all of my concerns about schools, family, friends, hair, heritage, etc., but the 'fear' had ebbed a bit, and an excitement seemed to be taking it's place.

From that night, we've started researching agencies and God has continued to remove the many fears that I thought would never be satisfied.

It's just amazing! His hand is amazing! I feel like I just sat back, and He picked me up and moved me forward, without my even realizing it!

Glory to God. We're moving forward toward adopting our little girl or boy from Ethiopia. We would LOVE your prayers for our family, and our child and birth mother in Africa.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

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